Home Page

-Squirrels Class- (Year 2)

Staff in Squirrels Class


Teachers - Mrs Lambert

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Moon and Mrs Brien


Important information


Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please send your children to school in PE kit on those days.


Please make sure all of your child's uniform is named, we cannot return it to you if it is not named! Your child will need a named coat in school as the weather gets cooler and a named water bottle. Please make sure you have helped your child to remove their earrings on PE days. 

Spring 1 Newsletter

Time Table

Science- Weather reporters!

Today we created our own October weather reports for the UK. We thought about the different types of weather we see in Autumn, and the differences between the weather in the 4 capital cities in the UK. We created symbols for the different types of weather. We then enjoyed being weather reporters and sharing our top tips for keeping dry or warm in October on our pretend Weather Channel! 


