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-Ireland Class- (Year 1 /Year 2)


Teacher: Mr Suckling

Meet the Teacher Information Presentation

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TOPIC - The circus is coming to town! 

Summer Term


The Big Idea: Have you heard the saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’? Laughing and having fun are such an important part of our lives. We all love being entertained and enjoying ourselves. For a very long time, the circus has been a special place where people, from many parts of the world, go to be entertained, laugh and have fun. Through the learning taking place in Art, the children will be finding out how to draw faces and understand expressions and about the work of artists who have painted pictures about the circus. In their History learning, the children will be finding out what circuses were like in the past, about some of the people who made circuses famous and how circuses have changed over the years. In Science, the children will be finding out which materials would make a waterproof tent, which materials to use for circus costumes and about forces – pushes and pulls in circus acts . In the Technology learning targets, the children will be learning how to put up a tent and how to plan and make circus tents for soft toys. Through their Geography learning, the children will be finding out how to draw maps and plans of a circus and how to use maps and atlases to find out about the countries some circus animals come from. In Physical Education, the children will be finding out how to use juggling balls, how to balance and make movements used in circus performances and how to use tactics in playing team games. When learning through Music, the children will be finding out about music for the circus and how to compose and write rhythms and tunes about circus performers. In ICT and Computing, the children will be finding out how to draw a plan for our own circus and how to make tickets and a poster for our own circus. In their International learning, the children will be finding out what different people think about using animals in the circus and what the circus of the future might look like. 



Please do not send children in to school with large rucksacks. There isn't enough space in the classrooms and children keep tripping over them! The children do not need bags. They just need their reading book, lunch and water bottle. 


PE days- Our PE days are now Tuesday and Wednesday 

Indoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE- Wednesday



English 26th April 

This week we are starting to look at instructions. The children will be identifying the different features of instruction texts. The children will be giving each other verbal instructions before starting to write them down. We hope to have a lot of fun playing games giving each other instructions. It quickly becomes apparent how clear we need to be! 

Maths 26th April

We are starting to look at fractions. We will be using practical resources to find halves, quarters and thirds. Our investigation into fractions should offer us opportunities to bring some food into the classroom, which always seems to go down well! 


For the rest of the year we will be teaching Phase 5 phonics. In this phase pupils are taught new graphemes that make the same sound like some that they already know. For example, they already know that ‘ee’ as in ‘teeth,’ but they will now learn ‘ea’ as in ‘bead.’


In Phase 5, children are taught ‘ay’, ‘ou’, ‘ie’, ‘ea’, ‘oy’, ‘ir’, ‘ue’, ‘aw’, ‘wh’, ‘ph’, ‘ew’, ‘oe’, ‘au’, ‘ey’ ‘a-e’, ‘e-e’, ‘i-e’, ‘o-e’ and ‘u-e’. It is worth noting that ‘ue’, ‘ew’ and ‘u-e’ all have two pronunciations: ‘oo’ and ‘yoo.’


At the end of Phase 5, children will learn that there are many alternative pronunciations for graphemes they already know. For example, they will learn that ‘c’ can make the sound ‘s’ in words such as ‘ice’ and ‘city'. There are also nine ‘tricky words’ to learn at Phase 5: ‘oh’, ‘their’, ‘people’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘looked’, ‘called’, ‘asked’ and ‘could’.

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The Lonely Beast visit!

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Some Scary Beasts from Ireland Class!
