Teacher: Miss Edwards
Remote Learning
Now that everyone is back in school full time, we are able to deliver day-to-day learning in the classroom and on school grounds!
For anyone that needs to self-isolate but is not unwell, we will provide individual tasks via Teams as we did in the autumn term, so please check there for tasks to complete and to communicate with class teacher for feedback on learning and to keep you up to date with what's going on in class.
We are also going to be posting the weekly spellings and homework on the class Teams page as well as other resources and links that can help with learning, so keep checking back on those pages for anything new.
Contact class teachers if you have any questions.
Where did that go? All of a sudden, the sun is shining, the children are taller than the adults and some are now into their last half-term in primary education! It's all been such a blur.
It's great to see them back after a well-earned rest for half-term. We'll be working hard over the next/ last six weeks to get the children as far forward as they can be by the time they leave us.
Please remember to contact the school office should you have any queries, questions, or comments.
Our English book for the start of the half-term is Shackleton's Journey by William Grill. This is a remarkable book which charts the complexity of Sir Ernest Shackleton's quest to find out about his landmark expedition to cross the Antarctic, travelling from pole to pole. The illustrations are incredibly detailed and will help guide us to write about his experiences.
Regular handwriting, spelling, standalone grammar, independent writing linked to weekly images, reading for pleasure and guided reading sessions will supplement our English curriculum.
Focus has moved on in maths and over the course of the term your child will look at a range of different concepts including geometry, statistics and a range of consolidatory projects (Y6) and position and direction, converting units and measuring volume (Y5).
The teaching and learning will follow the same White Rose schemes which your child used during lockdown.
Please also remember to log in to times table rock stars to practice those all-important multiplication and division skills. Log in details can be sent out by the office should you have mislaid them.
Our maths lessons will also be supplemented by various other activities, all carefully designed to increase progress and plug gaps.
Our topic for the remaining weeks of the summer will be Earth as an Island and The Holiday Show.
Spellings for the week can be found on the Teams page for your class. Ideally, they will be practised daily and will be tested on Friday. Your child should also have these stuck into their homework diary.
Please see your child's timetable for PE days. Each week, one slot will be inside and one outside. On PE days, your child should arrive in school wearing their PE kit.