Year 6 Leavers' Assembly - Wednesday 15th July at 1:45pm
On Wednesday, Mr Valentine, Mrs Cooper, Mr Murray and I will be wishing the Year 6 Leavers a massive congratulations on completing Primary School in what has been a unique and unusual year.
We also can't wait to hear what your favourite memory has been in your journey at St Edmundsbury, no matter how short or long you've been with us!
In case you haven't done so yet, please prepare a memory that you will read aloud on Wednesday which takes no longer than 20 seconds.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
Summer 2, Week 7: 13th July
The Final Week of the School Year
I'll miss you, Crested Owls!
As we complete the final days of the 2019/20 academic year, take a moment to CONGRATULATE yourself on persevering through so much. Over the next week, you may even encounter more hurdles (and worries) as you begin to think about what the new year may bring. If you are due to being Year 6 in September, you may be nervous about coming back to school after so long away. You may be in a new classroom and you will have a new teacher. Some of you may receive some pictures of your new teacher and classroom, to put your mind at ease. If not, feel free to email the school, and we will do our best to prepare you for upcoming change.
If you are moving up to secondary school, you may be wondering what your new school will look like or who might be in your class. Try to do some research online about your new school, as you will probably find some pictures and videos from past events. Your new teacher(s) may even be pictured on the secondary school website or you may find a 'Welcome video' or virtual tour.
Don't worry about any subjects or areas that we haven't learned about due to the partial closure of school - every school and teacher will be ready in September to make a fresh start in picking back up where you left off!
This week at school, Germany Pod made spiced honey cakes (more like small biscuits) called lebkuchen or honigkuchen. These ginger-cinnamon-orange biscuits are popular at Christmas-time in Germany, and date back to the 13th Century (though honey cakes have been around since Ancient times)!
CLICK HERE for the recipe we copied exactly.
We made giant bubble wands and experimented with dish-washing liquid mixtures to get the bubbles at their biggest! We also partook in an adaptation of 'The Game of LIFE' where we earned money from a job, bought or rented a house and went on virtual holidays. We learned a bit about how to be responsible with money - but mostly we had fun saving and spending pretend pounds!
English - Oak Academy
Please prioritise English tasks for one more week, from The Oak National Academy. Click on your year level below.
Click HERE for Year 6 Letter of Complaint (the FIFTH set of lessons on the page)
Click HERE for Year 5 Non-Chronological Report (the SIXTH set of lessons on the page)
You can access video tutorials on the White Rose Maths website (links below) and activities can be downloaded below.
Click here for Year 5 tutorial videos
Click here for Year 6 tutorial videos
Always try your best after watching the videos. There are NO alternative worksheets this week.
(Remember: It's okay to try a challenge that suits you. Go to another class page to download the Activities. Go to Eagle/Hawk/Great Owls for Year 3 and 4 White Rose activities.)
Education City
Please continue to visit for weekly English, Maths, Science and Computing tasks.