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-Poland Class- (Year 3/Year 4)


Teachers: Mrs Scully/Mrs Cooper

Meet the Teacher Information Presentation

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This presentation gives a brief overview of learning and expectations in our Year 3/4 class.

Remote Learning

Now that everyone is back in school full time, we are able to deliver day-to-day learning in the classroom and on school grounds!


For anyone that needs to self-isolate but is not unwell, we will provide individual tasks via Teams as we did in the autumn term, so please check there for tasks to complete and to communicate with class teacher for feedback on learning and to keep you up to date with what's going on in class. 


We are also posting the weekly spellings on the class Teams page as well as other resources and links that can help with learning, so keep checking back on those pages for anything new. 


Contact class teachers if you have any questions. 

Class Timetable - Summer Term (2nd half)







The topic for the second half of summer term is.........

Let's Plant It!



This is another science and technology based topic, in which we be focusing on plants and how they live and grow. We will investigate plants in our local area and learn all about the parts of different plants. The second part of the topic will involve children looking at garden obelisks and then working on designs for their own. We are excited to find out more about growing food and where our food comes from. If any of you grow any food at home, we'd love to hear about it! 



This half term, we are focusing mainly on one key text:


Each week, we will look at different parts of the text and will then focus on a key aspect or style of writing. There will be a mixture of fiction and non-fiction writing to learn about and complete. There will also be a weekly grammar or punctuation task to make sure children are using these key skills and also a reading comprehension exercise, which may focus on a different text. 


Every week, we will also complete a 'Pobble Write' exercise. This is an opportunity for children to write completely independently in whichever style they choose, based on a picture from the Pobble365 website. Children should use these shorter sessions to really show off their writing skills and everything they have learnt so far!


Maths and Times Tables

Maths will continue to follow the White Rose units. We will finish off learning about time and then begin learning about 2D and 3D shapes, before moving on to learn about mass and capacity in measurement. 


Don't forget to log in to Times Table Rock Stars (click here) at home and practise your tables as much as you can too. The more points you earn, the more rock star accessories you can buy for your character!



Each Friday, we will post a new set of spellings on TEAMS to work on with a Powerpoint to introduce the spelling pattern for the week. Every day, children will complete an activity linked to the spellings for that week and these will then be tested on a Thursday. You can also find the spelling lists below. 



Our PE days for Poland Class are Monday and Thursday. Children should come into school in their PE kits on these days, ready for the lessons. Please name any kit and ensure children have trainers and suitable outdoor kit (such as a jumper or jacket). Tracksuits should be plain and dark in colour. Let us know if you need any help finding suitable PE kit. 


Estimating Capacity in Maths

Making 3D Shapes

Class Achievements!

Previous Topics and Learning


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We have been writing information texts about frogs, inspired by our 'Mama Miti' text. To help find out about frogs, Poland Class collected some tadpoles from the school pond to observe.


Representing Phrases with Pictures

Adding Gas to a Liquid Experiment

Maths with Smarties: Finding Fractions of Amounts

Investigating the properties of milk!

Changing States in Science - Cream to butter!

Role on the Wall - Oliver and the Seawigs

Making a Compass

Our Prehistory Timeline


Some of the children in school contributed to this brilliant timeline, which shows our learning as 'historians' over the last half term. Really well done, everybody!


Reading Challenge - Our class have been finding unusual places to do some reading...

Poland Class Writing

Stone Age Shelter Building

Stonehenge Models - 1st February 2021

Our 'Stop Cyber Bullying' Posters
