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-France Class- (Year 2)

Staff in France Class


Teachers - Mrs Lambert

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Maddieson and Mrs Moon


Important information


Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please send your children to school in PE kit on those days.


Please make sure all of your child's uniform is named, we cannot return it to you if it is not named! Your child will need a named coat in school as the weather gets cooler and a named water bottle. Please make sure you have helped your child to remove their earrings on PE days. 

Meet the teacher presentation 22-23

France Class Timetable



This half term in maths we are finishing off our learning of multiplication and division (x2, x5, x10). We are then moving on to learning about length and height. We will learn how to use a ruler and to choose when to measure in cm or m. 


The children have a Timestables Rockstars account. This is fantastic for practising their timestables at home. All of France class have their own logins which is on their bookmark in their reading journal. If you need any more information please come and see Mrs Lambert. 

A few of our Garden Boxes

World Book Day

KS1 History Day- The Great Fire of London
