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-Ireland Class- (Year 2)

Staff in Ireland Class


Teachers - Mrs Pelling (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday), Mrs Carmichael (Wednesday, Thursday)

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Wright, Mrs Rigby

Important information - A change for Summer term


Outdoor PE in on Wednesday. Indoor PE is on Friday. Please send your children to school in PE kit on those days.


Please make sure all of your child's uniform is named, we cannot return it to you if it is not named! Your child will need a named coat in school as the weather gets cooler and a named water bottle every day. 

Meet the Teacher presentation 22-23


SportsCool Glow in the dark dodgeball!

KS1 History Day- The Great Fire of London

Computing - creating algorithms for the Beebots

Science - sorting materials by their properties

Trip to WSC to learn about jobs!
