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Year 3/4

Wider Opening of School Reception, Year 1 and Year 6

St Edmundsbury CEVA Primary School Staff Video

A video to make our pupils and parents smile during partial school closure.

Looking to the Rainbow - St Edmundsbury CEVA Primary School

Home Learning Week Beginning 13th July

Dear Y3/Y4 Families,


The final week of term has finally arrived and we are immensely proud of all you have achieved during this very unusual time. You have shown great resilience and determination to continue your learning from home. We have thoroughly enjoyed receiving all your work and how much your have progressed over the last term. 


Thank you to all those who have sent in their 'Healthy Selfies' so far! Remember the deadline to email your class teacher is Tuesday 14th July 4pm. We wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming you back in September.


Stay well, stay safe, and happy learning everyone!


Mrs McMurray, Mrs Peterson, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Scully


Reading and Writing (links on website) 

The PoR Take 5 Writing Activity Sheet (The Wild Robot continued).

We have also uploaded a simpler PoR Take 5 (Moth continued), this is only for children who are less fluent readers.

Maths (see below for worksheets)

We will be continuing with geometry this week, some of the topics might be revision for you and others will be new. The focus this week will be on Symmetry & Co-ordinates.

Oak Academy (links on website)

History: The Battle of Hastings  - Saxon Vs Normans.

Music: To sing with an awareness of dynamics, styles and emotions.

Science: Uses of sound

Other Activities

Reading Comprehension - can be found in On-going Reading Activities

Spelling, Word Work – can be found in On-going Writing Activities

Times Tables – can be found in On-going Maths Activities


Reading and Writing

These activities will be spread out over 2 weeks W/C 06.07.20 & W/C 13.07.20

Power of Reading (please see below)

Fluent Readers: The Wild Robot

Children building fluency: Moth

Please support the children in reading the short text from the book and make sure that that they understand all of the vocabulary, and what is happening in the extract.  



White Rose

The White Rose resources for this can be found below on the attached pdf documents - please use the details below to find the correct lesson materials. 


White Rose Y3/4 - Geometry - 3D Shapes, Symmetry & Co-ordinates



Y3 & Y4 - Recognise & Describe 3D shapes


Y3 - Make 3D shapes

Y4 - Lines of symmetry


Y3 - Make your own 3D shapes

(Follow this video and see if you can complete one of the six geometric shapes:

Y4 - Complete a symmetric figure 


Y3 - Education City activities linked to the current topic (already allocated)


(Thurs/Fri) Y4 - Co-ordinates (1. describe position 2. draw on a grid 3. move on a grid 4. describe movement on a grid)


Y3 - Education City activities linked to the current topic (already allocated)


(Thurs/Fri) Y4 - Co-ordinates (1. describe position 2. draw on a grid 3. move on a grid 4. describe movement on a grid)



Other Subjects:

This half term, we are providing some links to The National Oak Academy website so that you can access a wider range of subject areas. This week, we have provided links for History, Science and Music! Each week, we will provide links for the lessons we would like you to access that follow in a specific order.


We hope you enjoy these lessons!








Fraction Tips and Resources

On-going Reading Activities

If your child is building reading fluency, reading for two x 5 minute sessions per day will be more effective than doing long sessions which can be tiring.  The children MUST use their phonics to sound out then blend NO GUESSING!!

This website allows free access to book suitable for children learning and improving their reading skills


For more fluent readers children should read daily, sometimes with you, but sometimes allow them to enjoy a book on their own.  Some may find it comforting to revisit old favourites, not every read has to be a challenge!  Do explore non-fiction, poetry and websites too.  

There are a few ebook available to borrow online from Sussex Library Service


And here are some tips to support reading


And all children will enjoy being read to - it's lovely to read with Mum and Dad, but it's also nice to experience other people reading.  I have been hearing about nannies and grandads getting to grip with Skype, Zoom or video calling so they can read to their grandchildren!   


Audible (part of Amazon) are offering free audio stories to anyone with an Amazon account (doesn't have to be Prime)


David Walliams is doing a daily story at 11


This website features actors (some famous) reading stories - it is free and there is a free app version (for phones and tablets).


And your teachers are adding story videos to this website!



On-going Writing Activities

Ideas to support struggling writers!

Writing is a tough one, a lot of children find it very challenging – not surprising when you think about it because writing means thinking about handwriting, spelling, grammar and organisation as well as content.  Here are some tips

  1.  Let them write about something that they are interested in (non-fiction is fine), or adjust the writing task that we set to reflect their interests (they may want to write as a different character for example)
  2.  Build up vocab and phrases on a big sheet of paper 'mind-map' style - once all the ideas are there, then use the PC/tablet/phone to check and correct all of the spelling so when they are writing they don't have to think about that, they’ve already done that job!
  3.  Decide what needs to go in each paragraph and do a bullet point plan
  4.  Write the first/introductory paragraph together to get the ball rolling

Sometimes it helps to relax the format a bit so if they are finding the suggested writing task challenging could you do something like a letter instead, or think about posters, leaflets, or a presentation on the PC, then they can break up the effort of doing the writing with work on pics, background, fonts etc.

On-going Maths Activities

Times Tables

Please practise these daily – your child should know which ones they are working on.  For practise Hit the Button website/app is good ( but there are plenty of other options online!  The order in which they learn them is

2x 5x 10x

3x 4x

6x 8x

7x 9x

11x 12x

Use this website to regularly test their progress

Times Table Activities will also be available on Education City.

Remember by the end of Y4 the children should know all of these and be able to recall them AT SPEED – in the test they will have 6 seconds.  The tests that we use in class are included below - 3.5 mins for 40 q's or, for those children that are TT SUPERSTARS there is a 132 question version.


Times Table Tests - remember 3.5 minutes only!

Measure – practical maths!!

Length – measure things around the house – predict length then measure with a ruler or tape measure.  Use cm and mm, and convert between the two (2cm is 20mm, 23mm is 2cm and 3mm, we have not done decimals yet).

Weight, volume and capacity – do some cooking!!!  Look at g and kg, l and ml.  E.g. notice that the measuring jug has a capacity of 500ml but you are measuring a volume of 300ml.

Time – practise telling the time on digital, analogue clocks, 24 hour clocks.  Get the children to calculate periods of time – it is 12.40 now and the cake takes 45 minutes, what will the time be when the cake comes out?   A useful website for switching between digital, analogue and 24h clock is

Adults might find these useful!

Written method for addition and subtraction

There are a couple of examples (written methods for addition and subtraction), but after that you can just make up the numbers!  Start with 2 digit numbers, Y4s should be getting up to 4 digit numbers.  They may be learning to do this a bit differently to how you were taught, so ask them to show you how it is done (after they have looked at the examples) and they can explain to you what they are doing using their maths vocabulary

ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, place values, exchanging, regrouping (carrying)

Examples Written Method for Addition Subtraction

Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100

See Education City for number bond activities

Other ideas for learning!


Fun science and DT projects with Maddie Moate (from the CBeebies series Maddie's Do You Know?)


Steve Backshall, every Wed at 9:30, science from his own back garden!  You need to subscribe but it's free!


There are some great Science and DT ideas on the Dyson Foundation website


Have some fun with this home-schooling Dad!



Rosetta are offering 3 months free access to children - might be fun to practise a bit of french (or start learning japanese!!)


Memory Training!

One of the MOST important skills that children need is a good working memory, the ability to hold a few bits of information in their head at the same time.  This website provides a fun way to practise some brain training . . .
