Home Learning wb 13th July 2020
White Rose activities have been added further down this page.
There is a task called Robin Hood on Education City.
Remember to keep reading daily at home. You could check out the website to see videos of adults reading stories from home!
This website is free at the moment.
Please follow this link: https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-year/year-6/subjects/english This week's activities are on Letters of Complaint.
There is an optional Power of Reading Take 5 task further down the page.
There is task called Smart City Software on Education City. Screen grabs can be found further down the page.
There is task called Lab Test on Education City. Screen grabs can be found further down the page.
Please visit https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
You will need a parent to register an account for free (don't forget to activate it in your emails).
You can access Book Band books based on your reading level (your band is he colour book you read from the school book boxes).
Follow www.storylineonline.net/library/ to find stories read by actors.
Dear children and parents,
Here is a link to a website which features actors reading books aloud. See if you can find something you like!